Tuesday 24 September 2013

Layout Design For School Magazine

We had to design 2 layouts for an example of our school magazine for us to practise, it also gave us a chance to practice using 'In Design'. Magazine 1 does conform to the norms of magazines because of the position of the masthead. It also has 1 main image, cover lines, date and issue number and a flasher - the usual features of a front cover of a magazine. A magazine usually doesn't have a logo which is not the norm, therefore that makes my magazine a bit different. Magazine 2 does not follow the norms of a magazine, the masthead is not at the top of the page and it doesn't have an issue number. There aren't any cover lines or a flasher however there's a strapline and several images on the front cover. I made it relevant for my audience because it made it interesting and had lots of techniques to draw attention to the reader, so these techniques can entice the audience to read it. I learnt from the research that there is a certain criteria of how a typical magazine front cover would look like. This helped me because I got an understanding of what looks good and what the norms of a magazine front cover usually are so I could include them into my magazine.

                                                                       Magazine 1:

Magazine 2:

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